Well, last week we (and by we I mean me, the other half and our son Eli) went away for the weekend with another couple friend of ours and their 18 month old daughter.
The weather was glorious throughout the weekend, we visited a little farm where Eli enjoyed petting the ponies and we had the good fortune to encounter a very proud peackock.
On Sunday afternoon we went down to the beach where Eli delighted in hiding his toes in the sand. All in all we had a great time .... until Eli threw up. We were just about to leave, I had given Eli a bath, dressed him in nice clean clothes and all our bags were packed and ready in the car. In walks Mr "Perfect Timing" and causes our little munchkin to projectile on his lovely clean self. Cue running to the car, getting clean clothes, changing now-not-so-lovely-smelling Eli. In the car he was fine, but then 15 minutes from home (and 2 minutes from our local hospital) he started spewing forth the entire contents of his stomach and then some. Considering our proximity to the hospital we took our very smelly mite to be checked over. Gastroenteritis said the doctor. You can look forward to a week of vomiting and diarrhea. Wahay!!! Eli's fine now.... as for me, I need another holiday.
A Cut Above / November Challenge. "Warm It Up".
2 months ago
what a great shot- Shame about Eli, glad he is better now.